A Horizon of Service and Communion

...God’s gift is not an easy hope. But as fragile as it may seem, it is capable of planting roots in the world of social insignificance, in the world of the poor, and of breaking out and remaining creative and alive even in the midst of difficult situations....Paul Ricoeur says that theology is born at the intersection of “a space of experience” and “a horizon of hope.” It is a space where Jesus invites us to follow him in encountering the other, especially the “smallest” of his brothers and sisters—and to follow him in the hope that in this encounter, which is open to every person, believer or unbeliever, we will stand within the horizon of service to the other and in communion with the Lord...

Gustavo GutiƩrrez, "The Option for the Poor Arises from Faith in Christ" (2009).

Full text: http://cdn.theologicalstudies.net/70/70.2/10.1177.004056390907000205.pdf

Published in: https://www.pih.org/article/in-the-company-of-the-poor


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